Budgets, contracts, invoices, and schedules. Not to mention millions of dollars, thousands of square feet, and a multitude of projects (and project managers). You have a lot to manage.

Do you ever wish there was a solution that could make managing it simpler?

If your current spreadsheets or software aren’t giving you the features, functions, or visibility you need to efficiently manage your projects through all phases of planning, design, and construction, it’s time for a new solution. Here are three key factors to look for when evaluating or selecting the right construction project and capital program management software for your business.

Get the features you need, not a bunch you don’t.

As a facility owner’s representative, you’re involved in the day-to-day management of your capital program projects. So you know how quickly factors like cost overruns, schedule delays, and undefined requirements can derail a project.

When it comes to a software solution, you don’t need an expensive file organizer. You need a central hub that will allow you to manage project teams, view expenses, oversee cash flow, run budget analytics, upload documents, and immediately identify (and address) any red flags.

That’s why owner-centric software like Projecto focuses on financial aspects like budgeting, reporting, forecasting, funding, approvals, contracts, POs, invoice processing, and more—giving you the clear and accurate visibility you need to decrease your project costs, reduce risk, and improve collaboration.

Owner-focused software doesn’t try to serve all members of the construction process equally. Instead, it concentrates specifically on your requirements and obligations while giving your team greater visibility into the complexities of your capital projects.

Owner-focused solutions like Projecto also provide insights specific to your financial interests with additional add-ons for enterprise financial integration, third-party tasks and submittals, and bid management—ensuring you get a solution that has precisely the features you need and nothing you don’t.

Work your way, not JUST your software’s way. 

Construction project and capital program management software shouldn’t be one-size-fits-all. An out-of-the-box solution won’t work perfectly for every company because every company works differently. 

When your software and its workflows are inflexible, you can’t work the way you want. And when you can’t work the way you want, you end up pulling data from different sources—increasing risk, errors, and pressure in addition to the time it takes to complete a task.

Unnecessarily complicated software also present challenges, requiring extensive (and often frustrating) on-boarding and training for your team to understand and use.

The right software solution won’t dictate your workflow; it will conform to it. Projecto provides configurable and flexible financial management for your projects, sub-projects, and capital programs, allowing you to get your team up and running more quickly both initially and as you add more staff.

For example, if you have a unique way of handling budget funding and approvals, we can tailor Projecto’s financial screens and approval processes to replicate that process, allowing you to continue to work in the manner that’s best and most productive for your organization.

The ability to make strategic, selective customizations results in:

  • Increased buy-in from users because the system “speaks their language”

  • Easier new user on-boarding and invaluable adoption from staff

  • Tighter integration with other enterprise systems and departments

Tailored integration with your company’s financial systems and processes also lowers the risks of financial data not being allocated or tracked as accurately or efficiently as possible. While great out of the box, solutions like Projecto become better when they are tailored to work your way.

Simple yet powerful interface.

Just as software shouldn’t be one-size-fits-all, it also shouldn’t be a catch-all.

Cluttered interfaces. Clumsy task completion. Cumbersome click-throughs. Your time is valuable, so why would you spend it sorting through capabilities you don’t want to find the information you actually need?

The right software solution gives you what you’re looking for in an intuitive and easy to navigate format. It’s why we designed the Projecto user interface to provide expanded visualization and even faster access to the information you want to see.

A clear, simple interface allows you to view all your projects at a glance, quickly find the information you’re looking for—whether it’s a project, vendor, PO, or submittal—and run a great-looking report in a matter of clicks.

Software can be extremely powerful without being overly complex and difficult to learn. When your software is easy to understand and navigate, your teams are up and running quickly. This equates to ROI both initially as well as when you add new staff over time.

And when all your staff understand and effectively use your capital project management software, it accounts for real money saved.


The bottom line.

The right construction project and capital program management software solution helps you efficiently manage capital, construction, and facilities projects from request through occupancy, allowing you to spend less time on administrative and reporting tasks and more time on identifying ways to decrease cost, reduce risk, and improve collaboration.

Want more help in picking the right software solution for your business?
Get in touch.

We understand the unique challenges facilities owners face in managing their capital projects. And we have helped many of the largest healthcare systems, universities, and corporations control their time and money with solutions tailored to their exact needs. We’re confident we can do the same for you.